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Monday, December 20, 2010

Barber Paradox

In a particular village, the barber shaves no one but everyone who does not shave himself. Who shaves the barber? The barber shaves only those who do not shave themselves. If the barber shave himself, therefore he doesn't shave himself. If he doesn't shave himself, therefore he shaves himself so who shaves the barber??? 

sino nga bah tlaga???

Friday, December 10, 2010

♥♥ soNg of liFe ♥♥

Since then, I have started noticing you. You may not know it, i have started looking at you. I tried to deceived myself by thinking that I was just looking at you "up" at you. Respect & admiration, I thought, is the Last streak of feeling that I can offer to another person. You are smart, cool, handsome, gentle, & kind

love YouU....♥♥♥♥♥